Girls frontline ump45 design
Girls frontline ump45 design

Gameplay and Story Integration: She complains about her weight and also has one of the worst evade stats of any SMG.

#Girls frontline ump45 design professional

As opposed to other T-Dolls who chose more civilian-oriented clothing, she prefers her WWII-era uniform simply because of the old-fashioned and professional "vibe" it gives off.

  • Elegant Classical Musician: Supposedly she is quite skilled at the piano and enjoys singing when off-duty.
  • girls frontline ump45 design

    Her evasion is quite low, however, and requires the support of evasion-boosting allies and/or higher-quality exoskeletons to stay in the fight.

  • Crutch Character: She's a very reliable T-Doll for her rarity, with decent stats, an excellent grid bonus, and a very useful "Incendiary Grenade" skill.
  • Stone Wall: Most SMGs have good tanking ability thanks to their high base health coupled with their decent evasion, and are thus suited for the frontline.
  • While they are still usable, their staying power won't be as high as they used to be, since these Evasion tanks often have low HP as a tradeoff. While their appreciable Evasion does wonders on low difficulty maps due to the enemies' generally-poor aim, in later, late-game contents, the opposition starts ramping up their Accuracy and/or using guaranteed-hit explosive attacks that stomp their utility to the ground.

    girls frontline ump45 design

  • Awesome, but Impractical: Evasion tank SMGs.
  • You can avert this by pairing them with accuracy-boosting ARs and optical sights, but with some exceptions, it's much more efficient to build them for evasion instead. Pay attention to their attacking animation and you'll see why: none of them actually aim down their sights.

    girls frontline ump45 design

    A-Team Firing: All SMGs share extremely low base accuracy, which is the main cause of their low damage output.

    Girls frontline ump45 design